It’s hard for me to believe that it has been over fifty years since Brian Wilson wrote – and the Beach Boys recorded – the classic “Good Vibrations.” He grew up with his mother teaching him about the vibrations that are given off by living things. For example, she told him that sometimes dogs bark because of the “bad” vibrations they are picking up from a human.
We have all walked into a room and it felt cold … not because the thermostat was set too low, but because of the “vibrations” of the people in the room. It wasn’t warm and fuzzy. We also had the opposite experience of walking into a place and it feels warm and welcoming, joyful and energetic.
The world that we know through our senses is made up of atoms and molecules that are vibrating at various frequencies. When two hydrogen and one oxygen atom vibrate at their lowest level, we experience ice; as the vibration gets higher, our experience turns into water and, when the vibration gets even higher, we experience steam. The same molecule, vibrating at different frequencies.
This principle holds true for people also, and it has a direct impact on our emotions. We talk about people who seem to be feeling “high” or “low.” We pick up their energy vibration.
We not only pick up on the vibrations of others, we experience vibrational frequencies ourselves. It is said that the experience of love and joy are among the highest vibrations of our emotional lives, while shame and guilt are among the lowest. When we are ashamed, it is because of the bad feelings we have about who we are as a person, while guilt has to do with something we have done.
Back to Brian Wilson’s song, he’s obviously picking up “Good Vibrations” from a woman he’s seeing. His senses are alive …. the way the sun shines on her hair, the clothes she wears, the sound of her voice, her perfume, the way she walks, the kindness in her eyes. He is smitten, that’s for certain!
What I don’t hear him asking is what vibrations she might be picking up from him. Not only do we pick up on the vibrations of those around us, those around us pick up on our vibrational frequencies.
There are people in our lives whose presence is magnetic … we are drawn to them because of the vibrations they give off … warmth, joy, energetic, open accepting. Just being around them lifts our spirits.
Here’s the good news: you have an Inner Magnificence of your own! It is a magnificence that is absolutely magnetic! When you allow it to be exposed, people are drawn to you.
Here’s my invitation: Take one step today that will allow you to Move into your Magnificence! That step can be as simple as smiling to a stranger … offering an encouraging word … think happy thoughts. Anything you do to help lift the spirits of another is a guaranteed way to do two things: lift your own vibration and lift the vibration of the other person. Everybody wins!
The extent to which you take even the smallest of steps and act from your magnificence is the extent to which you’ll be able to say, “I feel good about being me!” … and that’s a promise!
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